Gracias Instagram por traer la verdad del cuerpo post-parto que antes se tapaba con Photoshop

Gracias Instagram por traer la verdad del cuerpo post-parto que antes se tapaba con Photoshop

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Gracias Instagram por traer la verdad del cuerpo post-parto que antes se tapaba con Photoshop

Instagram se ha posicionado como una de las redes sociales dedicada a lo bonito y lo molón. A pesar de todo el postureo que existe (¿quién no ha caído en la trampa de hacer 10 fotos al café antes de tomárselo?), me parece bien... todos tenemos derecho a soñar con un mundo lleno de filtros que lo hacen todo más perfecto.

Sin embargo entre tanta perfección se ha colado una corriente que va en contra de esa idea y reivindica a las madres reales, es decir, al 99,999% de las estadísticas, esas que hemos tenido a nuestros bebés y hemos experimentado cambios drásticos en nuestro cuerpo... cambios que han impedido que vuelva a ser el de antes y que muestran una de las realidades de la maternidad.

"Being a woman living the homestead lifestyle in the middle of nowhere can be isolating in itself, add single mom to the mix and that feeling runs deeper. It isn't always the physical distances that is the hard part but the mental isolation. It is pretty rare to find someone with common experiences to lean on. We spend mornings in the garden enjoying food in its freshest form. Eating eggs unwashed and still warm from the chicken. We drink water from the ground. We share and eat meat from our neighbors and drink raw milk. I reduce and reuse more than I recycle. My daughter was born at home without a midwife. Young and old saw the birth of my child, strengthening all the generations of the women present. Our work is caring for our elders. We cloth diaper. We use water instead of wipes and drink from the hose. We rarely wear clothes. We don't shower everyday. We barely use soaps, lotions or razors. We question modern medicine. We sleep in the same bed. We do our best not to have plastics, use less gas, electricity and water. We heat with wood. We barter. We preserve and store our surplus. We enjoy the warm sun on our bodies, nature in our ears and the dogs at our feet. All of these ways of living have gotten me my fair share of eye rolls, raised eyebrows, finger wags and shaken heads. I always wonder why. Isn't this the way we were designed to live? Aligned with mother nature not against her. I was called unconventional for having a home birth but isn't it the most traditional of things? There was a time which I felt bad for speaking up about my beliefs, my way of life. It made others feel bad and unsteady in their own lives. We weren't following societies guidelines and made to fear DES called. So sometimes it was just easier to sit in silence, keeping my experiences to myself. I do not see my belly as shameful nor any other part of my body. Or it's functions. My child loves that soft mound for sleeping, playing and cuddling. I love my large drooping breasting for my daughter loves them even more." The incredible Pineapple and her daughter Zoey Jean. I had the pleasure to photograph them on the homestead that Pineapple herself grew up on.

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Nunca he amado a mi cuerpo más que ahora, este cuerpo de mamá es más hermoso de lo que podría haber esperado. Se estiró y creció y le dio a este dulce frijol todo lo que necesitaba para prosperar durante 9 meses, fue empujado a su límite para darle la bienvenida al mundo y ahora la alimenta con la nutrición perfecta, la conforta con su olor y tiene los brazos y las manos perfectos para abrazarla. @joyvictoriah #takebackpostpartum

✨Because this is beauty✨ ••• A Saturday morning with my babies, relaxing under the warmth of the sun shining into the living room, and the windows open. There's no sound here except for the birds chirping outside, the crunching of pretzels that my toddler is eating, and the little grunts of my baby as she's loving on her first home. The beauty is that I'm with my beautiful children and I don't have to get dressed or be put together to be loved by them. I don't have to have the perfect body. I am who I am, stretch marks and all, with a little fluff, and some squish...and they love me anyway. The beauty is that, I'm finally at a place in my life where I don't feel like I need to be perfect to please anyone. That I can enjoy and love the skin I am in. And even though I workout a lot and try to take care of my body, that doesn't change the fact that I am still comfortable in my skin at any stage. This body did miraculous things and still is - growing, birthing, and nurturing my children. Man, I love being a wife and a mother...and being a WOMAN. . . . . #motherhood #motherhoodrising #motheroftwo #motherhoodunplugged #takebackpostpartum #4thtrimester #4thtrimesterbodiesproject #momlife #postpartum #postpartumbody #postbabybody #naturalbirth #bodypositivity #selflove #selflovegeneration #uniteinmotherhood #unitedinmotherhood #themotherhoodisreal #joyfulmama #transparency #ig_motherhood #childhoodunplugged #darlingweekend #weekendvibes #mindfulmama #tribedemama #mumsofinstagram #momsofinstagram #momtogs

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Porque esta es la belleza ... Un sábado por la mañana con mis bebés, relajándome bajo el calor del sol que brilla en la sala de estar, y las ventanas abiertas. No hay sonido aquí, excepto por los pájaros cantando fuera, el crujido de pretzels que mi niño está comiendo, y los pequeños gruñidos de mi bebé en su primera casa. La belleza es que estoy con mis hijos hermosos y no tengo que vestirme o conjuntarme para ser amada por ellos. No tengo que tener el cuerpo perfecto. Yo soy quien soy, con estrías y todo, con un poco de pelusa... y me aman de todos modos. La belleza es que, finalmente estoy en un lugar de mi vida donde no siento que necesito ser perfecto para complacer a nadie. Que puedo disfrutar y amar la piel en la que estoy. Y aunque me entrene mucho y trate de cuidar mi cuerpo, eso no cambia el hecho de que todavía estoy cómodo en mi piel en cualquier etapa. Este cuerpo hizo cosas milagrosas y sigue siendo - creciendo, dando a luz, y criando a mis hijos. Hombre, me encanta ser esposa y madre ... y ser MUJER

Isn't there something amazing about a postpartum body? To think my body has carried two healthy pregnancies, totaling 82 weeks and 1 day of being pregnant. That's just incredible! Why would I ever hide my body, be ashamed of my body, or listen to society's standards about how I should look. I like to think I have a stretch mark to signify each beautiful kick I felt! My tummy also has scars from an ectopic pregnancy I experienced. Some would say it's unattractive, it's a bit fluffy and covered in marks, but it is mine!! I wish every woman would look at themselves in the mirror, look at what they believe their biggest flaw is and find beauty in it! Stop shaming yourself, stop shaming other women. Be proud, be honored to be a woman.

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¿No hay algo increíble en un cuerpo postparto? Pensar que mi cuerpo ha llevado dos embarazos sanos, totalizando 82 semanas y 1 día de estar embarazada. Eso es increíble! ¿Por qué he de ocultar mi cuerpo, avergonzarme de él, o escuchar los estándares de la sociedad sobre cómo debería mirar. Me gusta pensar que tengo una estría que significa cada patada hermosa que sentí! Mi barriga también tiene cicatrices de un embarazo ectópico que experimenté. Algunos dirían que es poco atractivo, es un poco esponjoso y cubierto de marcas, pero es mío! ¡Ojalá cada mujer se mirara en el espejo, mirara lo que ellos creen que su mayor defecto es y encuentra belleza en ella! Deja de avergonzarte, deja de avergonzar a otras mujeres. Siéntete orgullosa, siéntete honrada por ser una mujer.

That postpartum life. Newborn feet + postpartum bellies + mesh undies. 📷:@christinabentonbirthservices #takebackpostpartum

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"Despite how difficult my postpartum was and sometimes still is, what I see more than anything when I look at my Hope wounds is a beautiful and loving Mama trying to do all she can to provide the greatest love and care for her miracles. I see a strong woman who not only fought and conquered infertility, but spoke up and ultimately didn't let postpartum anxiety and depression beat her. There is so much beauty in that when I look at my Hope wounds." @thefortintrio _ Celebrating my Scars. Link in her bio. _ #tripletmom #tigerstripes #postpartumbody #postpartumdepression #bebraveyou #motherhood #momlife #motherhoodsimplified #postpartum #mombod #hopewounds #birthwithoutfear #selflovegeneration #takebackpostpartum

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Estrías, celulitis, curvas que antes no existían, ojeras... todo hace pàrte de la otra cara de la moneda, esa de la que no se habla gracias a que los medios de comunicación se empeñan en ensalzar a aquellas super mujeres que se quedan con 60 de cintura después de parir. Que sí, que me parece fantástico y que me encantaría pertenecer a ese 0,0001%, pero ni mi cuerpo estuvo tan trabajado antes de quedarme embarazada, ni he tenido tiempo de ponerme a hacer ejercicio (¡a duras penas puedo conciliar!).

No quiero hacer parecer que la maternidad es lo peor que le puede pasar a tu cuerpo, de hecho te ayuda a madurar y a aceptar muchas cosas porque te das cuenta que lo realmente importante va mucho más allá, pero es verdad que llega un momento en que te cansas de ver imágenes idílicas y cuerpos esculturales con un bebé en brazos alegando que sí se puede. Claro, se puede, si tienes un par de horas para ir al gimnasio todos los días y tu cuerpo es tan tremendamente perfecto que ni se entera de que un bebé creció dentro de ti.

"Let's just be superficial for a minute alright? We all know having a baby changes so much more than your body, but it's been extremely hard for me to come to terms with just what pregnancy did to my body. I used to be pretty fit, I had my ups and downs with body image but overall I know I looked pretty good. Then came pregnancy and I was huge. I got HUGE towards the end extremely quickly. A mixture of extra amniotic fluid and Amelia being breech accounted for the extra large stomach. My stretch marks appeared overnight basically at around 32 weeks. I had a c section which has left my with a nice scar too. My stomach is soft and squishy from my super stretched skin and is covered in stretch marks. Linea nigra still clearly visible. Let's not even start on what's going on with my bellybutton (and yes it used to be pierced which probably was one of the stupidest things I did now that I look back on it lol). I had such unrealistic standards of what my body was going to look like after birth (yes probably because I'm way too into following all those super hot Instagram mums like Tammy Hembrow 😂). But this is the reality for so many of us. And I'm okay with that. My body temporarily looking like this is a good price to pay for the sweet little angel I have sleeping next to me. 2017 I'll work to get back into shape, but it takes time. I have to remind myself to be nice to my body, I spent 9 months creating a life and yes it may never look like it used to but that's okay. But it's also okay to be sad about it." @krristelley _ #postpartum #postpartumbody #11weekspp #takebackpostpartum #postpartumbelly #pregnancy #birthwithoutfear

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Mornings with my babies are so beautiful. I wake up next to my little girl on the day we celebrate her 2 months of life here, earthside. She searches for milk and we lay there for a few moments in the quiet. Then I hear that big brother has woken up and is ready to start the day. He calls "mama" and I come down the hall to get him. As he barrels out of his bed and out of the room, he's full of excitement to see me and it warms my heart. Usually, we go down to get him some breakfast but instead, I brought him into bed with little sister and I. I enjoyed the morning snuggles with my children. When I got up with them to finally start the day, I saw myself in the mirror. The body I saw in the reflection used to make me cringe. To see my "flaws" and places I still needed to work on made me upset. I work out all the time and I would try to have this "perfect" idea of what I wanted my body to look like. This body was once home to both of these babies and it's still the body that makes them feel safe and loved. So, now I see this body as strong and beautiful. And if it takes awhile to get to where I want to be physically, at least I know that my children see me as their perfect mama. ❤️️ . . . . . #motherhood#motherhoodrising#teammotherly#takebackpostpartum#4thtrimesterbodiesproject#4thtrimester#4thtribodies#postpartumfitness#postbaby#postbabybody#mommyof2#strongmama#fitmom#fitmama#postpartumbody#postpartumjourney#fitpregnancy#birthwithoutfear#momlife#mommyhood#bodypositive#selflove#ig_motherhood#mindfulmamas#joyfulmamas#strongasamother#attachmentparenting#mynameismama#uniteinmotherhood#tribedemama

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Teniendo en cuenta que es un tema del que no se suele hablar y que este mundo que pide super mujeres que pueden con todo y llegan al final del dia perfectísimas y con una sonrisa en la boca, agradezco a las redes sociales por sacar a la luz una realidad tan común como la vida misma. Alivia un poco ver que no eres la única en el planeta a la que el embarazo le dejó huellas y que estas no tienen que esconderse como si se tratase de un delito. De hecho creo que son las 'imperfecciones' más preciosas que puede llegar a tener el cuerpo de una mujer... las que te recuerdan que ese pequeño al que adoras y del que te sientes tan orgullosa en algún momento fue parte de ti.

Imágenes | jadebeallphotography, britneyasbelldoula, takebackpostpartum, thefortintrio, krristelley, lifewithabbyd

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